The Team
Let's see how your donations are helping.
Student's Tuition

Children's School
There are only two schools in the five mile radius of this school. This school was created to help the families that can not afford the other private school. There are no public schools near by.
Your donations help provide meals for the children of the families that can not afford to send their children to school.
Children's Meals
Donations help provide meals. Our goal is for every child to be able to have a healthy meal. With the current inflation the school has had to cut back on meals.

Have fun
It cannot be all work, nothing like some time spent together having fun to keep a balance in ones life.

The Future
Temporary versus Permanent
Our dream is to make a permanent building with working toilets. Currently the school cannot even finish the temporary classrooms. As of August 2022, walls have been added, but money is needed for the roofs. The metal roof is the most expensive costs.